Conference Welcome
Amplifying Identit...
Five Interviews wi...
K-pop Culture and...
Tutorial: Taking the Stage: Electronic Music Edu... 9:00am - 9:45am
Demonstration: Enhancing Creativity: AI-Assisted
Cultural Gatekeeping: The Role of Oriental Superstiti... 10:10am - 11:00am
Queer Acousmonia: ad-hoc multichannel sound as collec... 10:10am - 11:00am
Cultural Appropriation and Unethical Adaption of Afri... 10:10am - 11:00am
Embodied Sonic Meditation Workshop: Promoting Audio Engineers' W... 11:00am - 12:00pm
Lunch Break 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Keynote Dr. Leslie Gaston-Bird 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Music for the Masses: Expanding Diversity in Mus...
Tutorial: Breaking the Sound Barrier: Building t... 2:25pm - 3:10pm
Networking: Breakout Rooms 3:10pm - 3:50pm
Practice-Led Perspectives on Biofeedback M... 3:50pm - 4:30pm
Brief Welcome
Mentorship: Buildi...
Decolonizing Audio...
Designing for the...
Expanding the Bandwidth: Mentorship 9:00am - 9:35am
Be the Conduit | The Impacts of Showing Up & Net...
DEI Town Hall 10:00am - 11:00am
The Death of "Indu...
Reporting after Te...
Learning through m...
Student and Youth-Led Initiatives
Supporting Student-Led DEI Initiatives 1:25pm - 2:10pm
Breakout Rooms: Topic Discussion... 2:10pm - 2:40pm
Challenges of Terminology Localization in Chinese Aud... 2:40pm - 3:30pm
CROSSFADE Collective: Connecting Diverse Creatives 2:40pm - 3:30pm
Music for the Masses: Expanding Diversity in Music Te... 2:40pm - 3:30pm
Designing an Inclusive Acoustics Course 2:40pm - 3:30pm
Creating a Culture...
The Mind's Orchest...
Expressions of Sel...
Audio Engineering in Neurodivergent Hearing Loss... 8:40am - 9:25am
Reflections from above: wisdom from women of a certain age 9:25am - 10:25am
Emotion-Aware Music Classification: Enhanc... 10:25am - 11:05am
Assessing the Effectiveness of Head and To... 10:25am - 11:05am
Inclusive Sound: How Students with Disabil... 10:25am - 11:05am
Amplifying Diverse Voices: Building Inclusive Audio Leadership 11:05am - 12:05pm
Lunch Break 12:05pm - 1:00pm
Keynote Joey Stuckey 1:00pm - 2:00pm
The Future of Accessibility for Music and Audio... 2:00pm - 2:45pm
Afros & Audio 2:45pm - 3:30pm
Deconstructed Cartographies: Exploring DEI through Audio-Visual... 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Conference Closing...
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